
Timblee lets you plan new digital experiences or map and understand existing ones. We’ve created the examples below to help you explore what Timblee can do.

The links below are the non-logged in “share links” that you would typically send to team members or clients to view and provide comments. These don’t let you edit anything, but you can view and add comments by identifying yourself.

Ontrak Business Website Sitemap + Userflow Example

Ontrak is a fictional example of a corporate business website that also has a small ecommerce component as well as a logged in area.

Intercom SaaS App Sitemap + Userflow Example

Intercom is a popular messaging platform used by thousands of companies across the world. In fact, this article is written on Intercom’s “Educate” product. We love Intercom at Timblee, so we decided to create an example sitemap and user flow diagrams.

The Iconic eCommerce Sitemap Only Example with 248 screens

The Iconic is one of Australia’s largest eCommerce sites with hundreds of screens and areas. We’ve used this example to show how a larger site’s structure can be designed, and improved using Timblee.

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